In 2018, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) made broad changes to its guidelines to improve commercial HVAC energy efficiency. Whether your HVAC was installed recently or you are still using an older commercial system, it is quite possible that these changes might have a direct impact on your business. This guide discusses how some of these new regulations for commercial HVAC systems in Delaware might affect your company, and what changes you might have to make as a result.
Reducing stress on the energy grid
One of the primary reasons some of these important changes were made by the DOE was to reduce emissions in all industries across the board. To do this, some of the new regulations focus heavily on improving energy efficiency at commercial locations by implementing system requirements that will limit the amount of energy businesses are able to consume. This will in turn lower the overall stress being placed on the nation’s energy grid, while also lowering each company’s individual carbon footprint.
How your company can benefit
The DOE’s directives for improved energy efficiency at commercial sites can actually be a good thing for your business. You will have to make an investment in the installation of your new HVAC system, but once it’s up and running you could potentially save up to $3,700 with a system that is compliant with new regulations. In addition to helping to offset the cost of installation, these savings can then be put back into other areas of your company to make your business stronger and more effective.
While companies will be working to get their systems in line, HVAC manufacturers will also be busy improving their systems to better comply with the DOE requirements. As they do so, the technology used will continue to modernize, improving the overall effectiveness of heating and cooling systems. This means that even if your current HVAC was installed just 10 years ago, it might be worth considering replacing it, whether it is found to be compliant or not. This will allow your company to reap the rewards and savings of all of the improved technology, with features such as mobile or remote temperature control.
Trying to understand these new guidelines can be a challenge in itself, and that is only exacerbated when you try to navigate how they might apply to your specific business. The best way to determine whether or not your company’s system is in compliance with these new regulations for commercial HVAC systems in Delaware is to work with experienced service contractors.
The team at Commercial Equipment Service Inc. has made it a point to stay well-versed in system regulations and the continuous evolution of the heating and cooling industry over the years. If it turns out that your company will need a new HVAC installation, we can discuss some of options that are available to you and create a plan to bring your system into the 21st century. For help sorting through the changes that may be coming for your business, make sure to give us a call to schedule your consultation right away.