Depending on the type of restaurant you operate and the food you serve, your deep fryer may be one of the most commonly used appliances in your commercial kitchen. Even if you don’t serve a ton of fried food, your kitchen still probably has one to make tasty French fries or tater tots! You’re bound to have some unhappy customers if that fryer breaks down at any point in time. The only problem is knowing exactly what the problem is when your fryer quits working. Continue reading to learn a little bit more about deep fryers and what can go wrong with them.
Common components that can break down
Your deep fryer is made of up dozens of different components that all have to work in harmony in order for your deep fryer to function properly. These are a couple of the most common parts that we find ourselves needing to repair in deep fryers:
- Thermostat: Your fryer’s thermostat is responsible for monitoring the gas flow and ensuring that the oil is heated at the correct temperature—too hot, and the food will burn; too cold, and the food won’t cook thoroughly. If your fryer is overheating or if you see high levels of emissions, it’s time to call us for restaurant equipment repairs in Delaware. We’ll quickly replace the thermostat so that your kitchen can operate as usual.
- Thermopile: Your fryer’s thermopile works to ensure that the oil gets to and stays at the correct temperature to cook your food. If your fries are coming out too soggy or too crispy, you’ll need to bring in the pros to fix or replace it.
- Burner: If your burner isn’t lighting, you most likely have a clog in the gas line or a problem with the gas valve. Instead of addressing this issue by yourself, call a pro who knows exactly how to handle this potentially dangerous situation!
- Pilot light: Your pilot light is probably the most important component of your fryer, as it’s responsible for igniting the gas that heats the oil. Without it, your fryer is unusable. A broken pilot light either has a problem with the gas hose or an issue with the switch itself. One of our crewmembers will take a look and be able to quickly identify the source of the problem and fix it so your fryer works as it should.
- Oil filter: The fryer’s oil filter makes it easy to remove food debris from the oil, and allows the oil to easily circulate throughout the unit. If the filter is broken, your fryer won’t be able to cook your food as needed. This is a relatively easy fix, but it should be left to our professionals to ensure that the job is performed correctly and that there aren’t any future issues.
Don’t trust just anyone to make your restaurant equipment repairs in Delaware—hire the pros from Commercial Equipment Service to fix all of your appliances. From deep fryers to refrigerators, we fix them all! Call us today to get a quote or to learn more about our services.